Rebranding in full swing
A new era will start for Burstcoin — Signum is on its way to change the crypto-world. Smart. Secure. Sustainable.
Following our open letter to the community, we would like to give you some preliminary information about the ongoing rebrand to Signum — our foundation for a sustainable future.

First of all, rebranding will be a piecemeal process.
Some parts of the Burst ecosystem have already begun rebranding while others are being worked on. Nevertheless, the plan is to have all rebranding work completed by the 24th of June 2021, when we will reveal the new Signum home page.
Until now, we have used the name Burst, Burstcoin, BURST to identify the single parts of the Burstcoin-chain. After the rebranding we will have a stronger identity:

Signum — the blockchain/platform
Signa — the native coin on the blockchain
SIGNA — the ticker name for our Signa
All current exchanges are informed about the upcoming rebrand and they will change their setup on the 23rd of June 2021, one day before the official page launch.

As a miner you may have recognized that some pools have already changed their software to the new brand:
- –
- VLP —
- Yabpool —
You can see that the pattern for the account id changed from BURST-prefix to S-prefix. Going forward we will show only the S-prefix on the related Signum software but the BURST-prefix will always work in the future.
All our channels will get a major overhaul within the next weeks.

A first new sneak preview of the explorer can be seen here:
And last but not least, our Twitter account will move from @Burstflash to
@Signum_Official . Follow us to stay updated on all the latest Signum news.
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